My uploaded templates are not being activated for some reason


New Member
I finally got my vbulletin installed and i wanted to tweak the colors a little. So i went to the default theme and looked at some of the settings. I changed a few colors here and there and hit save. The changes I made were immediately viewable when i clicked on "View my forum" link.

Well later on I decided to just screw it and download some free templates. well I have done that. Everytime I upload a template the old default one is still show. It will not let me delete the default template. I set it's sorting order to 9 and my custom templates to 1 and save. Still no luck. I've tried this on 4 different templates.

First i had tried overwriting the default images by uploading the new template images to /forum/images and overwriting but still no luck.

Then I tried the correct method:

I'm uploading the templates image assets as a WHOLE folder to /forum/images/

Then going to the admin control panel and uploading the actual .XML files through the control panel. And all this time i'm making sure it's the correct skin for the version I have which is 3.8.0

Any help would be appreciated. You can view how bad I slaughtered this at Forums - Powered by vBulletin

Also here are the screens i'm seeing. Take a look and see what is causing this.


And this is where i'm uploading the .xml files. I'm uploading the image assets to /forum/image/ folder. And i'm copying them in this directory as a whole folder and not as the individual files and not overwriting the older ones.
