hoxxy said:
possibly cache problem check them:
admincp>>vbulletin options>>External Data Provider
This has nothing to do with regular posting functions, it's for RSS/XML and syndicating content.
BTW i recommend everyone turns all these options OFF unless you have a special need for syndicating your content.. Otherwise board readers can scrape your content on auto-pilot by going to your external.php URL.
You can add different syndication types on the end like ?type=rss and so on to get different feed types for pulling it in to Blogs, Forums etc.
*Hint* It's pretty simple to make $10-20 a day on Adsense just by firing up your boards RSS poster and scraping feeds.
As for your original question OP, yes it sounds like a database problem but you can try these:
Switching to the default theme
Reupload all the Javascript inside /clientscript/
Disabling all plugins by putting
define('DISABLE_HOOKS', true); at the top of your config file directly under <?php
And if that doesn't work, run a Repair/Optimize tables on your database after backing it up.