My Stupid Idea


Staff member
im really really fresh to the whole xml scene.... but anyway heres my idea/position.

i understand what XML is, i suppose its laid out alot like an html document. except you define your own tags using xsl/css.

im remodelling my own personal website. and this is basically what ive got so far (i aplogise for using mspaint). the picture pritty much explains itself.

the line at the top is the doctype ect.
the black area is the body section.
the white areas in the black, are the <div>'s in the body, where they are positioned by css.
the green area is where i thought xml might come in handy.

im hoping to attach/insert? an xml doc basically where the green area is. using xsl or my existing css document maybe to style it? i wouldnt use this approach for every page of course, just ones with things like news, or a list of links, or something along those lines. the concept of xml seems logical and "my kinda style".

i tried google, but im a bit lost with the whole thing at the moment. and dont even know if the time spent researching it would be put to waste.

i was just wondering if this was a dumb idea, and if anyone could give me some direction as to what to do... im kinda lost...