My Site Doesn't Work Properly In Ie Without "www."


I just noticed that the site I am slowly building doesn't work in Internet Explorer if the "www." is not included as part of the URL.<br /> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> works fine but <a href="" target="_blank"></a> shows errors in Internet Explorer but NOT in Firefox.<br /><br /> doesn't display the dynamic menu items.........<br /><br /><br />any idea what might need to be done to correct this?<!--content-->
May want to open a <a href="" target="_blank">Help Desk</a> ticket and have one of the techs have a look.<!--content-->
<!--QuoteBegin-TCH-Bruce+Mar 14 2005, 11:38 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TCH-Bruce @ Mar 14 2005, 11:38 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteEBegin-->May want to open a <a href="" target="_blank">Help Desk</a> ticket and have one of the techs have a look.<br /><div align="right"><a href=""><img src='' alt='*' border='0' /></a></div><!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd--><br /><br />I'll give it a try. Thanks.<!--content-->
Hi,<br /><br />I've had a quick look at the server - and can't see any issues there.<br /><br />However, I would have a look at 3 things.<br /><br />1. Has the script got any checks for IE in it - and then performs separate functions if it does or doesn't.<br /><br />2. It is probably also picking up a config parameter for the base URL from a config file - check this is correct.<br /><br />3. Check you do not have any rewrites in your .htaccess which could conflict with the script calls.<!--content-->
<!--QuoteBegin-rnmcd+Mar 14 2005, 11:59 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(rnmcd @ Mar 14 2005, 11:59 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteEBegin--><!--QuoteBegin-TCH-Bruce+Mar 14 2005, 11:38 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TCH-Bruce @ Mar 14 2005, 11:38 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteEBegin-->May want to open a <a href="" target="_blank">Help Desk</a> ticket and have one of the techs have a look.<br /><div align="right"><a href=""><img src='' alt='*' border='0' /></a></div><!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd--><br /><br />I'll give it a try. Thanks.<br /><div align="right"><a href=""><img src='' alt='*' border='0' /></a></div><br /><!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd--><br /><br />They responded back to me that both www. and without "www." work but they didn't tell me what they did.<br /><br />The only difference that I noticed is that the IE error message (exclamation point in lower left corner of browser) is gone but the navigation menu doesn't work.<br /><br />I don't think this is a tech support issue as much as a coding problem.<br /><br />Any ideas?<!--content-->
<!--QuoteBegin-TCH-Andy+Mar 14 2005, 12:03 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TCH-Andy @ Mar 14 2005, 12:03 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Hi,<br /><br />I've had a quick look at the server - and can't see any issues there.<br /><br />However, I would have a look at 3 things.<br /><br />1. Has the script got any checks for IE in it - and then performs separate functions if it does or doesn't.<br /><br />2. It is probably also picking up a config parameter for the base URL from a config file - check this is correct.<br /><br />3. Check you do not have any rewrites in your .htaccess which could conflict with the script calls.<br /><div align="right"><a href=""><img src='' alt='*' border='0' /></a></div><!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd--><br /><br />Hello Andy. I will look into those things. But why would the site work fine in browsers OTHER than IE? For example, it works in Firefox.<!--content-->
I wrote back to tech support and they said they didn't make any changes but for some reason the IE warning (lower left corner of browser) is gone but the menu still doesn't work without the "www."<!--content-->
<!--QuoteBegin-rnmcd+Mar 14 2005, 06:12 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(rnmcd @ Mar 14 2005, 06:12 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteEBegin-->But why would the site work fine in browsers OTHER than IE?  For example, it works in Firefox.<br /><div align="right"><a href=""><img src='' alt='*' border='0' /></a></div><!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd--><br />Because you have the code <!--c1--><div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><!--ec1-->[if IE]><style type="text/css" media="screen">body{behavior:url(<?PHP echo $config[baseurl]?>/css/;}</style><![endif]--<!--c2--></div><!--ec2--> in your script<!--content-->
<!--QuoteBegin-TCH-Andy+Mar 14 2005, 12:42 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TCH-Andy @ Mar 14 2005, 12:42 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Because you have the code <!--c1--><div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><!--ec1-->[if IE]><style type="text/css" media="screen">body{behavior:url(<?PHP echo $config[baseurl]?>/css/;}</style><![endif]--<!--c2--></div><!--ec2--> in your script<br /><div align="right"><a href=""><img src='' alt='*' border='0' /></a></div><!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd--><br /><br />Please bear with me on this...but isn't that commented out?<!--content-->
Most other browsers will interpret the following code as comment, yes<br /><!--c1--><div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><!--ec1--><!--[if IE]> code <![endif]--><!--c2--></div><!--ec2--><br />However, IE will interpret the code.<!--content-->
So, do you think it was the purpose of the line:<br /><!--c1--><div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><!--ec1--><!--[if IE]> code <![endif]--><!--c2--></div><!--ec2--><br /> to have IE interpret it differently than other browsers?<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Also, when I 'Viewsource' for the code that you showed:<br /><!--c1--><div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><!--ec1-->[if IE]><style type="text/css" media="screen">body{behavior:url(<?PHP echo $config[baseurl]?>/css/;}</style><![endif]--<!--c2--></div><!--ec2--><br /><br />it displays for me as follows:<br /><br /><!--c1--><div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><!--ec1--><!--[if IE]><style type="text/css" media="screen">body{behavior:url(;}</style><br /><![endif]--><!--c2--></div><!--ec2--><br /><br />How did you 'see' the <br /><br /><!--c1--><div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><!--ec1--><?PHP echo $config[baseurl]?><!--c2--></div><!--ec2--><!--content-->
Yes, I think the purpose of the code it to have IE interpret it differently - it adds a different Java script.<br /><br />I could only 'see' the config[baseurl] because you submitted a ticket earlier - so I logged in and had a look before responding to your ticket.<!--content-->
<!--QuoteBegin-TCH-Andy+Mar 14 2005, 03:28 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TCH-Andy @ Mar 14 2005, 03:28 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteEBegin-->I could only 'see' the config[baseurl] because you submitted a ticket earlier - so I logged in and had a look before responding to your ticket.<br /><div align="right"><a href=""><img src='' alt='*' border='0' /></a></div><!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd--><br /><br />Oh, I get it! <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":P" border="0" alt="tongue.gif" /> You looked at the actual file for the code...I thought you were just Viewing Source and I couldn't figure out how you came up with the actual code. Thanks for helping me!<!--content-->
What would anyone recommend as the best way to 'remedy' this problem?<!--content-->
<a href="" target="_blank">Suckerfish Dropdowns</a><br /><br />This is sort of a drastic solution, since you'll end up rebuilding your menus on all your pages, but the code is good, it's a popular method so support is widespread, browser quirks are documented (and generally with workarounds). It's also easy to implement, and after your first page you can just copy/paste code anyway.<!--content-->