my site and the code red worm


Staff member
I have recently renamed my site, and have just started installing a brand new template, and I TESTED is and TESTED it and TESTED!!!<br />
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I did all this testing, because my other 2,876 templates that I made had NS bugs, but this one was PERFECT!<br />
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Now, a member is complaining that the screen goes black on her, and it doesn't do it for me.<br />
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Here is a screenshot of what she sees.<br />
Screenshot (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) The screenshot was taken at my forum. I think my site has the Code Red worm :(<br />
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MrLeN<br />
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P.S. What sort of fault is that? I've never seen anything like it!<!--content-->... perhaps that is her wallpaper showing, this sort of thing happens if you do not have much memory left, you know when you computer half crashes but recovers, I think it is this. It looks like one of the windows wallpapers. Look at the systray in the screen shot, I think your computer is overloaded, Code Red does not do this to websites as far as I know.<br />
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<I hope I'm not wrong><br />
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c9<!--content-->I came in too to find out about the worm.<br />
I found the advice on the screen shot here Mclen.<br />
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Is my computer infected as well?<br />
waiting for answers<br />
ps. I thought I had posted this but I guess not<br />
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Rinnando or louisa what ever<!--content-->I have seen this for two days now. Even after rebooting, in the morning and evening.<br />
I don't have it on any other site or page, just here; What can it be???<br />
louisa<!--content-->I will try to explain what happens.<br />
No other sites that I view have this. <br />
I go to the site mention and for two seconds I get that screen. leave to another site <br />
no problem, come back same thing again . Never freeze just a second or two.Always when I enter the site.<br />
I have 128 mg ram so that can not be it. The site is not THAT big<br />
But on the site every page change has it<br />
what can it be<br />
louisa<br />
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ps.And it is only on Explorer that it happens; never on Netschape<!--content-->I wonder if it is one of those CSS page changes? Do a view source and see if there is an event for onload or refresh.<!--content-->I am going to move this thread to html layout. i'm not sure if it is the best forum, but you will get more knowledgable people reviewing this post.<!--content-->There is only an image preloader, and besides...<br />
There is no black in any of the images on the site. They are all light :(<br />
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MrLeN<br />
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P.S. I just Download <!--more-->ed my site... Took me 30 minutes with cable<!--content-->I'll keep an eye on it; <br />
Btw. The colors I see are light on my screen ;n ot as dark as the screen shot.<br />
louisa<!--content-->It doesn't sound like the code red virus. The code red virus will replace the webpage with a simple message, <br />
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welcome to www worm com <br />
hacked by chinese<br />
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on a white screen. No matter what web page you try to access on your site-this message will show. Interestingly enough, the virus is a memory ONLY code, and does not corrupt your data. It enters through the buffer on IIS running on win 2000 machines.<!--content-->