My script adds > for no reason :|


New Member
I was wondering if someone might be able to give me some help - I'm a little stumped. I have a menu system setup on my website, but for some reason, when any code get executed for this -

<a href="#" onClick="gal_num = gal_num - 1; if (gal_num < 1){gal_num = 1;}; top.middle.main.document.location=gal_type[gal_select] + gal_nav[gal_num];">previous</a>

An extra > gets inserted in the fickec so if(gale_num <

ends up as if(gal_num><

This small change makes my previous not work. I have a next button defined more or less the same way(except it checks for the last number to not loop over, instead of the first).

I've checked all my code a few times, and the odd part is it used to work, but not it doesn't work on the various places I have it hosted, *grumbles*

If someone could take a look, and point me to the problem, I'd really appreciate it.

Sites <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

The problem is in the bottom frame, the bottom frame interacts with the RIGHT frame(but I'm pretty sure I've ruled out problems caused by the other frame)
