my question for html


well here is my first question about html. please do tell me where to post it, as i am new in forum<br />
so, can anyone tell me exactly how to enter a jpeg picture into my page?<br />
i know the tag , but after writting it,i just see a small box with an x inside. what i did wrong?<br />
and what i must do?<br />
thanks a lot <br />
friendly antonis<!--content-->The "X" shows up because the path to the image is wrong. <br />
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To solve this, make sure the image is in the same directory to where you are calling it from.<br />
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So if the image is in a folder called "images", you HTML file is in the root directory, and the image is called "me.jpg", you should have a code something like this:<br />
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<img src="images/me.jpg" width="150" height="140" alt="A picture of myself" border="0"><!--content-->Welcome to the htmlforums Toxotis<!--content-->welcome :D<!--content-->