My PHP sessions times out even though the session files are intact


New Member
I have read dozens of solutions to this and tried almost every one of them, but my sessions times out quickly anyway. I'm using a Debian installation and have set max variable in /usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime to 86400. I've also set session.gc_maxlifetime = 86400 in php.ini. I've made the session cookie valid for one hour and every time I reload the page I update it with another hour. I have tried setting ini_set("session.gc_maxlifetime", "86400"); in my front controller. However nothing helps. If I login to my site and wait about 20 minutes the next time I click a link on the page I will be logged out. The session cookie is still valid and the session file in /var/lib/php5 still exists. I just don't get it. I should also mention that I use Parallels PLESK on the system and it has made a lot of modifications to the standard Debian install, but I don't think that's the problem. Anyone?