My listing comes and goes - what's that?

Odd thing. My listing in at least two of my main keywords is strange. Sometimes I'm on the first or second page. Other times I'm not to be found at all. Is this some new thing with google or what? It drives me nuts.skgoogle are updating thier algo pretty much constantly. This means sometimes a site will rank well and sometimes it won't.yeah - kinda annoying that though...but the benefit should mean that good quality sites outrank poor quality sites, blatant sites designed to mislead people and all the automatically generated sites....the results are not quite that though as still too many redundant and less than useful sites get returned for various top paying keywords when the person running the site is not paying the CPC costs...If this phenomenon is since last 2-3 days, it is because google is updating their datacenters right now. As of now it seems like they are reverting back to a few months back index. It will take probably a week before dust settles down.If google are reverting back to old data then they may have uncovered a systematic scam that artificially increased the rank of low quality websites.Obviously that is just my opinion and it could be they are reverting back rankings and running a new algo to reclassify things and see results of the new algo for comparison to check if it is more efficient in returning quality sites ( and better paying keywords perform better in ad-sense etc for googles benefit)