my iframe content doesn't stay within the iframe when i hit back or forward


this is probably quite a trivial problem but its really starting to annoy me. to best explain the problem please go to my (half finished) site at <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --><br />
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1) click on the 'selections' page<br />
2) fill out the form (which i've placed into an iframe) then submit<br />
3) after submitting you know receive a confirmation inside the iframe, then click out of the page by clicking ...lets say for sake of arguement, 'FAQ's'<br />
4) now click your back button<br />
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ok, do you see the problem? you dont see the selections page with the form inside the iframe. what you see is the form as a totally independent page. now, when you click forward you also see the confirmation independently too.<br />
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how do i fix this so that iframe content stays within the iframe if you hit back or forward??<br />
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cheers mateys<!--content-->Your link goes to a page that just says Under Construction. Might want to give the right link to get there so that someone can help you.<!--content-->Oh wait, I found the site.<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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I did what you said to do and had no problems with it.<!--content-->Your site appears ot be working correctly. Might I suggest, since this is a business web, that you abandon the IFRAME ane go a more accessible route such as DIVS with OVERFLOW set to AUTO combined with the use of SERVERSIDE INCLUDES. Fact is, IFRAMES are less accessible than JavaScript ;)<!--content-->PhillMc, can you expand a bit more on 'DIVS with overflow set to AUTO combined with the use of SERVERSIDE INCLUDES'? i haven't come across that solution before. what does the coding look like?<br />
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ok, i'm gonna flip the problem around to view it from another perspective. phillmc, if i were to go with your suggestion would i experience the problem of not being able to link outside of the frame. sorry if i'm sounding a bit confusing, i woke up at 6.30 this morn and went for a jog, now i'm feeling knackered and in a minute i'm gonna watch a movie called, 'the house of a 1000 corpses'. i made sure that i ate my dinner before i watch it tho. sometimes when i watch movies that are grotesque it puts me off my food for a few days. like you would be eating a piece of chicken then you think of that messed up bit in the movie. i know that sounds a bit wimpy but it happens sometimes.<!--content-->Sure. It may not be as 'convienient' (sp?) as an IFRAME, but you can achieve the same effect with a DIV. This concept has been covered hundreds of times in this forum:<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... to=newpost</a><!-- m --><br />
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or you can sort through the many times this topic has been discused:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... descending</a><!-- m --><br />
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Here's a small example:<br />
<br />
<div style="overflow: auto;"><br />
<!-- #include virtual="pathOfFile" --><br />
</div><br />
<br />
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You would do any styling to the div using CSS. You can set the div to expand as content grows, or have a scroll bar appear. The way that I "link" things to this div is with use of a QUIERYSTRING (I.E. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->)<br />
I pass variables back & forth through the QS, and have a branching (if,else,select case) method inside the div that checks the QS and includes the needed file.<br />
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In other words, to have a link contained on index.htm that displays, lets say, grades in the DIV, the link's HREF would be "index.htm?div=grades". That will reload the page and the branching method in the div will include the needed file. :) Check out some of the many posts for better explainations :)<!--content-->