I'm new to this whole domain stuff and I'm a bit skeptical...
The impression I'm getting is that one leases there domain name from a registrar. And when the contract is up me & my domain are at the whims of the registrar...
My fear is I'll come up with a fitting name for my business and establish a good web presence; but then be stuck with a registrar whose over charging me or I am unhappy with (like cel phones).
Or am I wrong? Is it my domain name that i can take some where else if for some reason I am unhappy with my registrar?
I'm fairly new at this and would appreciate any advice...
The impression I'm getting is that one leases there domain name from a registrar. And when the contract is up me & my domain are at the whims of the registrar...
My fear is I'll come up with a fitting name for my business and establish a good web presence; but then be stuck with a registrar whose over charging me or I am unhappy with (like cel phones).
Or am I wrong? Is it my domain name that i can take some where else if for some reason I am unhappy with my registrar?
I'm fairly new at this and would appreciate any advice...