My CSS/border problem


Okay, I always have problems with the simplest things while working on a layout. This time around, I can't get my css borders to be doubled. I got the code from HTML Goodies, and I swear I'm doing it right, but the border won't show up as double. I copy & pasted the code from HTML Goodies, and it works fine, but my own code won't work. I'm sure I must be overlooking something, so could someone double check for me?<br />
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Here's the page (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->)<!--content-->the htmlgoodies code=20pixels.... while yours=2pixels.<!--content-->Yeah, I didn't want mine that thick, I was thinking setting it at 2px would mean each of the doubled lines would be 2px wide . . . I think it just made it so small that it looked like one line. Anyways, I tried 7px and it looks good :) Thanks.<br />
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Oh, but now I have another question. How do I keep the text from being right up on the border? (go to my link above)<!--content-->the easiest way would be to put a non breaking space in there. & n b s p ;<!--content-->Or you could use the cellpadding="pixel value" attribute in your <table> or <td> tags (or defined in CSS).<!--content-->