My color slidy bars not working...


Staff member
Hi All,<br />
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I am re-doing my site and put the colored scrolling bar script on my page, but it doesnt work.<br />
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My new site is-<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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The TOP frame is the frame not working with the script, and you will see the BOTTOM frame works ok.<br />
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The other thing is. The TOP frame page was validated by a friend and thats when it stopped working, and we cant find out why<br />
:confused:<!--content-->it might be becasue you ahve 2 body tags in there. but if the browser window is big enough you don't even get the scroll bars.<!--content-->Hi Scoutt,<br />
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I've changed it and it still doesnt work:(<!--content-->ok take out<br />
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""<br />
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as that is causeing it to not have the scrollbars colored. also I noticed you have 3 body tags in the other page in your bottom frame. always keep to one body tag. :)<!--content-->Helloooooooooooooooo Scoutt,<br />
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Many, many thanks. IT WORKS:D <br />
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Im sorting out the other pages with the multi-body tags.<br />
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I know I was being a little fussy, but it does look better with all the same color slidy bars before the page is opened to the full screen size in some cases.<br />
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