New Member
I have a problem which I cannot seem figure out. Your help will be much appreciated. I am using the Odata Nuget package. Now I have this url:\[code\]localhost:3196/api/leads/get/?$filter=DateSent+gt+datetime'2012-09-06'\[/code\]Works perfectly. If I have the following\[code\]$filter=DateSent+gt+datetime'2012-09-06'&_=1349632487099\[/code\]I get this error - ')' or operator expected at position 16 in '(_ eq 'datetime'1349632487099')'. Before I installed the package the following worked.\[code\]$filter=(DateSent+gt+datetime'2012-09-06')&_=1349632487099\[/code\]Still no luck however. Could you help? By the way if I put the filter at the end of the url it works. This is not ideal. Backbone automatically attaches the cache variable and I dont want to overwrite/hack this.ThanksTyrone