music player


does anyone know how i can insert sound into my website and i want to make it so people can turn it off and on. here is the thing i have a space for it but it is 68x41 pixels. i might beable to make more room for it if i need to but if i can put one there then that would be great. also does anyone know how i can make it so people can see what is going on on my condition zero server from my website. like in a small box it will say who is playing and how many kills they got and say what map is playing. if someone can help me out with either one that would be great.<!--content-->You mean something like this? <br />
<embed autostart="false" src="file.mp3"></embed><!--content-->no i want a actual player here i will give a example.<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
yes the site loads kinda slow. but the music player on the right side i want something like that. but different you know.<!--content-->did i post this in the wrong page?<!--content-->This should be in the javascript section really.<br />
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<form name="play"><input type="radio" name="rd1"onClick=" = ''">Start<input type="radio" name="rd1"onClick=" =''">Fin!</form><br />
<bgsound src="" id="Sound" loop="1"><!--content-->