

Staff member
How do I add a sound to a frameset so that when the page loads the songs plays throughout my website without interruption.<!--content-->assumning you are using a frameset to have one frame stay present (like a header), you could just put the background music in that header html page.<br />
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<bgsound src="" loop="-1"><br />
<br />
put the above in the head of the html (the -1 means forever). but bgsound only works in IE. I think you can use embed in NS. and put both in for both (I think).<!--content-->Shouldn't the loop be "infinite" instead of "-1". I would think that -1 would keep it from playing. I KNOW infinite works.<br />
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Dave, I went to that site with the sound in a pop of window but the window kept refreshing and acting weird and stuff.<!--content-->Thanks for responding Dave, I went ahead and viewed your website, thats exactly what I'm looking for, with the exception of me needing multiple songs, I just need one song for my site. I'm a beginner with javascript. I didn't realize how complicated the script would be to accomplish my goal.<!--content-->Zach -<br />
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As bgsound is an MS specific thing, I go by what MS wants. Front Page generates a -1 for play forever. So yes, it works.<!--content-->Dave - <br />
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Worked great in IE6. In NS7 the jukebox says "no support" and does not work.<!--content-->seems to me that you are asking if the LiveAudio plugin is already available. unless it has already been loaded i would think this would fail on most NS implementations. you probably have it loaded on your V4 and not on your 6. and i sure don't have it loaded on my NS7. the plugin may work fine in NS7 - i just don't have it.<br />
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i am sure i have seen a test for a plugin and if not there will Download <!--more--> it (if the user accepts). not sure where i saw that example.<!--content-->i think it is codebase="http: . . . ", then if the plugin is not present it will attempt to Download <!--more-->.<!--content-->wait -<br />
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the above is for the object tag<br />
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for the embed tag it is<br />
<br />
pluginspage=<!--content-->(FRAME)<br />
One of the frame pages will stay open to serve all the other frame pages. Usually that would be the contents frame, (The one with the menu.) So put your music in it. It should play until you leave the site. <br />
Note: <br />
Music can be a sudden shock to someone that doesn't expect it to be there. Especially if the volume is too high. It might be better to give a choice to turn it on/off.<br />
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(MUSIC)<br />
I think embed is now compatible in both browsers, and is preferable to bgsound. If you use both, you should code embed first, or the sound may be distorted.<br />
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I use:<br />
<EMBED SRC="startrk.mid" volume="50" LOOP="false" hidden="true" WIDTH="100" HEIGHT="40" autostart="true"><!--content-->Dave -<br />
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So what was the resolution of the jukebox "no support" issue? I am curious about that one. After all, it was your first question in 2 years.<!--content-->