multiplying frames


Staff member
hey there, im using frames in a website i am creating for a friend. im new to html so please be patient with me...<br />
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you can see the work at the following url:<br />
<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
<br />
if you select an option from the menu you will see the problem. the navigation frame multiplies itself! :) ut oh! <br />
can anyone tell me how i might correct this? thanks!<br />
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Aaron<!--content-->on your nav bar you are linking back to the frameset page not a new page called home. your frameset code which is<br />
<br />
<frameset rows="75,*" frameborder="1" bordercolor=red><br />
<br />
<frame name="nav" src="nav.htm" scrolling=no><br />
<frame name="body" SRC="body.htm" scrolling=yes><br />
<br />
</frameset> which means the two pages that open up are nav and body when the user clicks on home the link is taking him back to the frameset page instead of the body.htm page :cool: <br />
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that'll do it for ya :D<br />
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edit: you may want to add the norsize attribute to your frameset tag so the frames border cannot be resized.<br />
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<frameset rows="75,*" frameborder="1" bordercolor=red norsize> ;)<!--content-->im lost.<br />
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i think what your saying is i need to create a "main" page that nav & body will reside on so that the user actually loads the "main" page instead of loading nav and body. <br />
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but how do i do that?<br />
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could someone maybe gimme a little example of the code i need? i've been fiddling with this for awhile and cant seem to get it straight... in the editor or my head! oh it's been a long day.<br />
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Aaron<!--content-->i could use a little more help on this... i dont think im going to be able to solve it by myself. can someone show me an example of code on how to fix this problem? i have tried a couple of things so far and it continues to frustrate me. <br />
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thanks!<br />
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Aaron<!--content-->right, i will try my best to explain this, you know when your main page loads up?<br />
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it opens up these 2 pages yes?<br />
<frame name="nav" src="nav.htm" scrolling=no><br />
<frame name="body" SRC="body.htm" scrolling=yes><br />
<br />
nav is the page containing your nav bar and the body.htm is the page containing:<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
now if im right, the page containing this you want to make it HOME am i right?<br />
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but when the user clicks on HOME on the nav bar, it is actually loading up this page : instead of body.htm which it should be loading up<br />
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do you understand what i mean now?<!--content-->Okay I finally got it! Thanks for your assistance Joe.<br />
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Aaron<!--content-->no problems man :D<br />
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glad i could help<!--content-->