Multiple Tables


Staff member
If this has been touched on, I appoligize. I didn't find any complete references to this.
Forgive my ignorance but here's my question.

I have two tables:
---- AGENTS ----
ID - PK, name, email

---- HOMES ----
ID - PK, price, address

Now I can easily modify/add/delete each
of these tables separetly. However, I want to be able that when I add a new home into the homes table, I want to 'link' it with an agent from the agents table.

So, when a particular house is clicked, it will show for example

// Linked from a Browser Page
Select * from agents WHERE ID=$ID
But I also want the page to display the
agents info as well that is linked to that
particular house. I hope I made sense. I basically have NO CODE, because I'm not even close! ha. I'm just looking for some suggestions, or if I'm even going about it right.
