Multiple stylesheets with XSLT


New Member
Hi,I have an XML document and two XSLT stylesheets. I can display the XML docusing one XSLT but I want the user to be able to click on an option withinthe generated HTMLpage to display it in the other style.Here is my XML doc (Simple.xml)<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="Simple_A.xsl"?><SimpleDoc>Any simpler?</SimpleDoc>Here are my XSLT files (Simple_A.xsl and Simple_B.xsl), they are identicalapart from the colour of the text they display. They generate a simple HTMLoutput with a combo box contaning'Red', 'Blue'. When the combo box is clickedI want to process the XML again using the other XSLT file and update theHTML output (i.e change the colour of the text).<xsl:stylesheet type="text/xsl" xmlns:xsl=""><xsl:template match="/"><HTML><BODY><STRONG style="color: red"><xsl:value-of select="SimpleDoc"/></STRONG><SELECT id="Options"><OPTION>Red</OPTION><OPTION>Blue</OPTION></SELECT></BODY></HTML><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT">Function Options_onchange()'???????????????????????'What goes here'???????????????????????End Function</SCRIPT></xsl:template></xsl:stylesheet>.. and the other ..<xsl:stylesheet type="text/xsl" xmlns:xsl=""><xsl:template match="/"><HTML><BODY><STRONG style="color: blue"><xsl:value-of Select="SimpleDoc"/></STRONG><SELECT id="Options"><OPTION>Red</OPTION><OPTION>Blue</OPTION></SELECT></BODY></HTML><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT">Function Options_onchange()'???????????????????????'What goes here'???????????????????????End Function</SCRIPT></xsl:template></xsl:stylesheet>Many thanks to anyone who can help me with this one.Mark Evans.