Multiple Payment API


New Member
I am looking for a way to supply two paypal accounts in to the subscription manager.One for some product the other for another seperate product.But currently it only allows ONE paypal api
Is there a way to duplicate this or a mod which will allow this?
I tried Cyb's Paypal Donate,but it didnt work that well.

Would i just add a new entry to the paymentapi table?
duplicating the Paypal entry(since the information would be the same,just need to use a seperate account for differnt payments?)

i did some looking around and i have it functioning
i created a second class php file for the second paypal account
and modificted payments.php(since the payment options are hardcoded to the file)
only problem i am facing is the phrases are not showing correctly in the "Edit" account in the subscription api manager
The Email accounts phrases are not displaying