multiple page html form


Could somebody PLEASE give me an example of an html based multiple page form. I've read many articles but they are just to short on content. A working sample would be greatly appreciated. Again, I stress html... not ASP.<br />
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Many thanks.<!--content-->Sorry to mention it Dave. Yes, I am aware that I will either need to use JavaScript of even perhaps Perl. I thought that was just understood... my bad. I have been using a version of to handle my single page HTML form... I just didn't know (and still don't) how to send the information from one page to the next. I feel it's something very simple that I'm just overlooking here... but it's been unresolved for over a week now... feels like I got a bug stuck in my head.<br />
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As for what you mentioned Dave. Some of what you said is helpful... I've looked at the code on the pages you provided. Though, without being able to view the code for your SearchString.js file... it does me little good. <br />
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I do appreciate your time and effort.<!--content-->Thanks again to Dave. I did try backing up to the directory you mentioned... with no success. The link you provided does work though. I'll pour over your script and take it to heart. Again I thank you... I'm in your debt.<!--content-->