This is going to be a bit lengthy
Kindly read it to the end.I have a page to add products. When the user adds product, he/she is asked to add the specifications . I have all the attributes for a particular category say \[code\]Mobiles\[/code\] like Camera,OS,Type etc etc. All the attributes are divided into groups(See Table Below). If the user is uploading a product in \[code\]Mobiles\[/code\] category , I want to select all the groups ith the category and then the attributes in the Group and display it on the UI. Kindly go through the steps to understand the scenario. Table (CategoryGroups)
Step 1 : Select all the groups from a particular \[code\]NodeID\[/code\]Table (GroupAttributes) :
Step 2 : Display all the Attributes to the user Grouped By \[code\]GroupName\[/code\] i.e \[code\]AttributeID\[/code\] 1 & 2 should come under \[code\]Group 1\[/code\] , \[code\]AttributeID\[/code\] 3 & 4 should come under \[code\]Group 2\[/code\]Step 3 : For each row check if \[code\]canSelectMultiple\[/code\] is \[code\]True\[/code\] or \[code\]False\[/code\] . Step 4 : If \[code\]canSelectMultiple\[/code\] is \[code\]False\[/code\] Add \[code\]DropDownList\[/code\] to the page and add each Value in \[code\]Value\[/code\] column to the \[code\]DropDownList\[/code\][Value column has semi colon separated values] i.e for the 1st row Add \[code\]DropDownList\[/code\] with Values "Android","Bada","Blackberry",Symbian,"iOS"ElseIf \[code\]canSelectMultiple\[/code\] is \[code\]True\[/code\] the Add \[code\]CheckBoxes\[/code\] to the page with one \[code\]CheckBox\[/code\] for every value in \[code\]Value\[/code\] Column.Step 5 : Save the values selected by the user in DB on Button Click.This is the way i intend to do it (using loops i.e FOR NEXT). Any other way to do it?? Can i do it in client end using \[code\]jQuery/Javascript\[/code\]. I personally do not want to use these many loops because it would be too costly. Any help appretiated.