multiple frame refresh


I have a site that the client insists on using frames and I need to refresh the parent frame and the main content frame.<br />
my code looks like this<br />
<FORM><br />
<INPUT TYPE="image" img name="Image16" border="0" src="images/pic1.gif" width="248" height="42" value="change frames" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore()" name="Image16" onMouseOver="MM_swapImage('Image16','','images/pic2.gif',1)"<br />
onClick="parent.frames[1].location='right_new.htm'; parent.frames[2].location='main2.htm';" /><br />
</FORM><br />
<br />
problem is the main / child frame does not load the page requested. Any suggestions would be most helpful!<!--content-->are you wanting this to reload on a click, after a length of time, or something else? one more question... why are you needing to refresh the parent frame and the main content frame? post answers to those and i can help you<br />
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bouncing off of every tree in the woods<br />
chris<pixelmonkey><!--content-->click on a link at the bottom of the page, and it reloads the nav (right) frame to include a "print" button. The main frame at the same time loads the html file to be printed.<!--content-->this explains why i dont like wysiwyg's!!)<br />
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Is this a issue also?:<br />
When you have delved deep into the site and you press the RELOAD (NS) button, the site reloads with all the initial pages loaded instead of where you left off at (like IE).<br />
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If so - I just recently researched this indepth and found a fix for NS to work around this problem. Unfortunately, my fix is a ASP solution but could be ported to JS by an accomplished JS developer.<br />
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[Edited by Marlboro on 03-22-2001 at 11:24 AM]<!--content-->change<br />
<br />
onClick="parent.frames[1].location='right_new.htm'; parent.frames[2].location='main2.htm';" <br />
<br />
to<br />
<br />
onClick="javascript:parent.frame-name.location='right_new.htm'; parent.frame-name.location='main2.htm';" <br />
<br />
change "frame-name" to your frame names.<!--content-->Ian Almighty, thanks!<br />
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slaps sticks together, screams, and flees the the forest<br />
chris<pixelmonkey>:D<!--content-->Thanks guys!<br />
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But this works!<br />
<br />
<a href="right_new.htm" onClick="window.self.location='main2.htm'" target="rightframe">Plus any roll over too!</a> <br />
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Thanks! Some very neat angles!<br />
nv :)<!--content-->