Multiple File Upload


I have a personal photo gallery on my website, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. I would like to add the ability for my wife to upload a folder of pictures without going through the trouble of FTP'ing. Does anyone know of a TCH-friendly solution? PHP, Java, CGI--I'm open to anything.<!--content-->
Dirk,<br /><br />What are photo gallery program are you using, if any?<br /><br />I am using Gallery and I installed their new Gallery Remote program and it makes it very convienient to upload photos to my Gallery!<!--content-->
I'm actually using a photo script I wrote myself. It's 100% PHP so far. I don't have any problem uploading files to the thing via FTP but I wouldn't mind adding the multiple uploads feature to it. I was thinking of uploading Zip files but I notice PHP's zip functions are not enabled on my account. <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":(" border="0" alt="sad.gif" /><!--content-->
I'm not sure if we can activate any of the PHP ZIP functions, but have you tried putting in a help desk ticket to see if that can be accomplished for you?<br /><br />Is your script only configured to upload one, or more? I'm not too familiar with multiple file uploads, because I've only gotten PHP to upload just one... But it is possible to build a PHP script that accepts multiple files.<!--content-->
You can upload multiple files via PHP but you must have a "file" control for each one...this means the user must, in Windows, click "Browse" and navigate to every file. I would like to be able to browse to a folder, select multiple pictures (10, 20, 30+), and upload them all.<!--content-->
<a href="" target="_blank">This</a> is something like I'm looking for but this guy wants me to pay $400 to use it. So far my searching has only come up on things still over the $100 range. I'm thinking something a lot less expensive. Anyone able to find a better solution?<!--content-->
That solution is the same as using an FTP client. Why not use an FTP client? I'm just curious. <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /><!--content-->
Long story: My father-in-law wants a website for his family. He wants a photo gallery like mine which all the relatives can upload pictures. I want a way for them to be able to upload them without me being the 24/7 tech support/ftp hand-holder.<br /><br />I'd like them to be able to click on an "upload pictures" page, choose several pictures or upload a folder at a time, click go and that's it. Does that make sense?<!--content-->
Yes, that makes sense but the post you made about the $400 applet is the same as an FTP client which you would have to teach them how to use. So why not just teach them to use an FTP client.<br /><br />Using CuteFTP (I'm sure other FTP clients can do this too) you can create the login for the site and place them in the proper upload folder on the server and also set the default folder on the PC side. Then all they have to do is select all files in the folder on the PC side and drag them to the server side. Three of four clicks and they are on their way.<br /><br />Just make them delete the files on the PC side after uploading.<br /><br />Just offering a suggestion. <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /><!--content-->
I agree with Bruce, that link you provided looks to me like its just a java FTP client thats called from a webpage, but still just an FTP client. <br /><br />If something like that is what your looking for try these lnks<br /><br /><a href="" target="_blank"></a> (free)<br /><a href="" target="_blank"></a> (free version of the one you posted)<br /><a href="" target="_blank"></a> (free for non commercial use)<!--content-->
I suggest just using FTP. lol<!--content-->
You guys are right about FTP. The link from was just the closest thing I could find. That one would be perfect but for the fact that most of the features I'd use are not free. I'd like to make it as simple as possible for my computer "handicapped" relatives. No extra buttons, something that connects to the server automatically, something like this demo actually: <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br /><br />Thanks for all your suggestions. I'll probably just use the one...or break out the java and write myown. Naughty<!--content-->