Multiple Dynamic Update Prob :(


New Member
Hi, I have a problem that is a little advanced for me (beginner) and would love some help!

I am using Javascript to dynamically update two fields when the user makes a selection from a drop-down list. There are also two buttons on the form that should perform the same task when clicked.

The drop-down list works, but the buttons don't. If this is an easy solution, please write :)

My code is below, but to quickly see the problem, please go to this web address where an active snippet is located: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<SCRIPT language=javascript>

/* ------------------------Begin Script--------------------------------------------*/
var checkedButton=-1; // No button is checked by default
var wcheckedButton=-1; // No button is checked by default
var i;
var j;
var webPrice;

function checkButton(buttonId) { //Example if no buttons are checked, and button 1 is then checked.

if (checkedButton!=-1) {
document.images["resume_" + checkedButton].src="ButtonUp.gif"; //resume_1 image = ButtonUp.gif (if checkedbutton not equal to -1)

if (checkedButton!=buttonId) {
document.images["resume_" + buttonId].src="ButtonDwn.gif"; //resume_1 image = ButtonDwn.gif
webPrice=1; //checkedButton = 1 (this will now make sure first statement is used, and that resume_1 is unchecked when resume_2 is checked.)

if (checkedButton==buttonId && i==2) {
document.images["resume_" + buttonId].src="ButtonDwn.gif";

function wcheckButton(buttonId) { //Example if no buttons are checked, and button 1 is then checked.
if (wcheckedButton!=-1) {
document.images["web_" + wcheckedButton].src="ButtonUp.gif"; //resume_1 image = ButtonUp.gif (if checkedbutton not equal to -1)

if (wcheckedButton!=buttonId) {
document.images["web_" + buttonId].src="ButtonDwn.gif"; //resume_1 image = ButtonDwn.gif
wcheckedButton=buttonId; //checkedButton = 1 (this will now make sure first statement is used, and that resume_1 is unchecked when resume_2 is checked.)

if (checkedButton==buttonId && i==2) {
document.images["resume_" + buttonId].src="ButtonDwn.gif";
/* ------------------------End Script--------------------------------------------*/

/* ------------------------Begin Script--------------------------------------------*/
pricesArray = new Array (
new Array(0,0), //none
new Array(100,50), //res new, web new
new Array(200,100) //res old, web old

function setPrices(ArrayNumber,ValueInArray) {
var position = ArrayNumber.options[ArrayNumber.selectedIndex].value;
ValueInArray.LeftValue.value = pricesArray[position][0];
ValueInArray.RightValue.value = pricesArray[position][1];

if (webPrice==1) {
ValueInArray.WLeftValue.value = pricesArray[position][0]*.5;
ValueInArray.WRightValue.value = pricesArray[position][1]*.5;
else {
ValueInArray.WLeftValue.value = pricesArray[position][0];
ValueInArray.WRightValue.value = pricesArray[position][1];
ValueInArray.Total.value = parseFloat(ValueInArray.LeftValue.value) + parseFloat(ValueInArray.RightValue.value) + parseFloat(ValueInArray.WRightValue.value) + parseFloat(ValueInArray.WLeftValue.value);
return true;
/* ------------------------End Script--------------------------------------------*/


<STYLE type=text/css>INPUT#two {
BORDER-RIGHT: #ffffff 0px solid; BORDER-TOP: #ffffff 0px solid; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 14px; BORDER-LEFT: #ffffff 0px solid; COLOR: green; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ffffff 0px solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff
FONT-SIZE: 14px; COLOR: #000000; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #eee1e1



<FORM name=resumeForm>
<SELECT onchange="return setPrices(this,this.form);">
<OPTION value= selected>Experience Level:</OPTION>
<OPTION value=1>Student</OPTION>
<OPTION value=2>Mid Level</OPTION>
Total:<INPUT id=two readOnly size=2 name=Total><BR><BR><BR><BR>
<INPUT type=hidden name=valueToSubmit>
<IMG onclick="checkButton(1);" height=15 alt="" src="ButtonUp.gif" width=15 border=0 name=resume_1>New Resume: <INPUT id=two readOnly size=2 name=LeftValue><BR>
<IMG onclick="checkButton(2);" height=15 alt="" src="ButtonUp.gif" width=15 border=0 name=resume_2>Old Resume: <INPUT id=two readOnly size=2 name=RightValue><BR>
<IMG onclick="wcheckButton(1);" height=15 alt="" src="ButtonUp.gif" width=15 border=0 name=web_1>New Web Resume: <INPUT id=two readOnly size=2 name=WLeftValue><BR>
<IMG onclick="wcheckButton(2);" height=15 alt="" src="ButtonUp.gif" width=15 border=0 name=web_2>Old Web Resume: <INPUT id=two readOnly size=2 name=WRightValue><BR>
<INPUT onclick=submitForm() type=button value=Submit>

