I have made a search engine on my site and it searches a MYSQL database.Usually searches are case-insensitive, that is when you search for "cars", it can return the results "Cars" or "CARS" or "caRs" etc. This is fine.
I however have two different languages in my database, one being english and the other greek. In the greek language we use "accents" which is a little ' symbol above a letter to stress the pronounciation. Only the vowels have these accents and only sometimes(I mean not every vowel in the word will have a accent, just one in every word.)
Now when i search for a greek word lets say "cars" , it will not find it in the database if its spelt with an accent eg "c'ars"
How do i modify MYSQL so that it considers the letter " a " and the letter " 'a " to be equivalent in the searches as is the letter"a" and "A" ?
I do have the greek character set installed so i can see and write greek words into my db without a problem.It's just the searches is where i have a problem, (and here my problem only occurs if a word in the db has a accent in it.)
To explain a bit in english its like the english word "bite". The letter " i " has a dot over it. We dont type the dot over the "i" , it just happens automatically by the keyboard. Imagine though that you could type the dot over the "i" or leave it without a dot.
Now if in the db the word "bite" was with a dot and you searched for the word " bite" (without the dot) , it wouln't find it because it considers the "i" as a different character.You see?
I'd like to know how to make them equivalent for the searches.
I however have two different languages in my database, one being english and the other greek. In the greek language we use "accents" which is a little ' symbol above a letter to stress the pronounciation. Only the vowels have these accents and only sometimes(I mean not every vowel in the word will have a accent, just one in every word.)
Now when i search for a greek word lets say "cars" , it will not find it in the database if its spelt with an accent eg "c'ars"
How do i modify MYSQL so that it considers the letter " a " and the letter " 'a " to be equivalent in the searches as is the letter"a" and "A" ?
I do have the greek character set installed so i can see and write greek words into my db without a problem.It's just the searches is where i have a problem, (and here my problem only occurs if a word in the db has a accent in it.)
To explain a bit in english its like the english word "bite". The letter " i " has a dot over it. We dont type the dot over the "i" , it just happens automatically by the keyboard. Imagine though that you could type the dot over the "i" or leave it without a dot.
Now if in the db the word "bite" was with a dot and you searched for the word " bite" (without the dot) , it wouln't find it because it considers the "i" as a different character.You see?
I'd like to know how to make them equivalent for the searches.