Multiple Adsense ads on one website - avoiding SQL injections


New Member
I'm working on a website where members can post their own adsense banners onto the site. Initially I wanted to use the Adsense API to share revenues with users. (They would just have to enter their Adsense publisher ID) but I found out that I don't meet the requirements to use the API.My alternative is to allow users to submit their entire Adsense unit code which would look like,\[code\]<script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-xxxxxxxx";/* 300x250, created 10/4/10 */google_ad_slot = "7431428552";google_ad_width = 300;google_ad_height = 250;//--></script><script type="text/javascript"src=""></script>\[/code\]Is there a safe way to filter all that to make sure users don't submit harmful code?