MultiLine textbox problem....


New Member
Dear all,<BR> I have a multiline textbox on my webform. The problem is when user input data with several lines, how can I keep the break-line character so that I can save it into my database?<BR>Hi! Use Replace before you insert your text into your database. Like this:<BR>strWithBrake = Replace(yourField.Text, vbCrLf, "<BR>")<BR>(You don't have to save "<BR>" in your database, you can also do this when you print it out)<BR><BR>PliskenLookes like it messed up my code. I'll try one more time.<BR>Replace(yourField.Text, vbCrLf, "< br >")but I'm using C#, it seems not works in C#...<BR><BR>Thanks anyway!!strTest = yourField.Text<BR>strTest = strTest.Replace(vbCrLf, "< br >");