multilanguage site

Hello all!

I want to construct a multi-language site. I have my data stored in a database and I wanted to know if there is a way of me knowing which language the user sees. Imagine having a little flag on top of the page and when tha users presses it, he/she will see the data in english or in german or in greek etc... How can I keep track of the language though? If, for example, tha user selects ENGLISH in index.html, and then browses through the entire site, how can I know in every page, that I must retrieve the english data from my database?

Thank you!ASP.NET does an extremely great job of this. Leaves PHP in the dust for localization. makes this extremely easy. By the sounds of it, you're going to have to make a few changes to your database, but that's no big deal.

Anyway, it would be silly for me to try explain all the details here - when microsoft provides video tutorials on it.

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Enjoy, my friend.