msxml server-side classic ASP and certificate


New Member
I have a classic ASP application that does a pretty simple server-side GET.I have used the same code for years and across hundreds of users without a problem. But, now just one user reports the following error:\[code\]msxml3.dll error '80072f06'The host name in the certificate is invalid or does not match\[/code\]I can't reproduce the error on any system I've tried (various combinations of operating systems and browsers). And, I'm even more perplexed because this is pure server-side code - the server is requesting data from another ASP page (on the same server), so I'm not sure how the client browser could matter anyway.The offending code is pretty simple:\[code\] Set HTTP = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.3.0") URL="" HTTP.Open "GET", URL, FALSE, username,password HTTP.SetRequestHeader "User-Agent",Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT") HTTP.Send ""\[/code\]Again, this works fine for hundreds of users - only one problem about which we've heard.The user with the problem is running Win7 (64-bit) and IE9 if that matters (since I do set the agent to the user's actual agent). But, when I manually set the agent to the user's exact string, I still can't reproduce the problem.Any thoughts or ideas? I'd be very appreciative!