MSXML DOM Appending child nodes


Staff member
Hi!I'm using DOM in an Visual Basic environment. My problem is that I want toappend childnodes to the parents of the nodes I have in a nodelist. WhenI am debugging my source code I can see that new nodes are inserted at theright place but when the next node in the for loop is to be inserted, theprevious inserted node disappear..! In other words, only the last node inthe for loop is included in the DOMDocument.Code:Set objCarryOver = objContext.selectNodes("descendant::alt[attribute::profile='440.1991.2.83']")For i = 0 To objCarryOver.length - 1Set objParentNode = objCarryOver(i).parentNodeobjParentNode.appendChild (App.Path & "\latsource01x.xml")Next iThanks in advance // Niklas