MSXML 3 Parse Problem


Staff member
Hi all.I am using Win2K with MSIE5.0 and MSXML3.0.When I go in Visual Basic, and load an XML document that references anexternal DTD, it gives me parse error, saying that there is an invalid XMLdeclaration in my DTD, line 1, position 22, srText <?xml version="1.0">.Needless to say, this is very problematic and frustrating.Here is the XML:<?xml version="1.0"?><!DOCTYPE booklist SYSTEM "Books.dtd"><booklist><book><author>Syndney Sheldon</author><title>The Doomsday Conspiracy</title></book><book><author>Tom Clancy</author><title>The Hunt For Red October</title></book></booklist>Here is the DTD:<?xml version="1.0"?><!ELEMENT booklist (book+)><!ELEMENT book (author, title)><!ELEMENT author (#PCDATA)><!ELEMENT title (#PCDATA)>Please help!Thanks!Silas