Hello!<BR>I'm tryin' to use the MSWC.Counters object<BR>with the old ASP it worked like<BR>dim COUNTERS<BR>set COUNTERS = Server.CreateObject("MSWC.Counters")<BR>counter.Increment("a1_"&id)<BR><BR>but how is this in ASP.NET??<BR>I tryed arround like<BR>object counter = new Server.CreateObject("MSWC.Counters");<BR>counter.Increment("a1_"+id);<BR><BR>I getting an error back:<BR>'object' does not contain a definition for 'Increment'<BR><BR>I also tryed to use following code in global.asax like in global.asa:<BR><object id="Counter" runat=server progid="MSWC.Counters" scope="Application" /><BR><BR>There I also get the same error!<BR>Does anyone know to use MSWC.Counters ???(included in IIS 5.0)<BR><BR>Please HELP!!<BR><BR>powerwave