I'm having diffuculties wtih text while using PHP4 and MSSQL 7. I have a text string that consists of updated notes on clients. When these were just starting out and relatively small we had no problems. Now that the notes are getting large I'm finding that the text is being truncated when its either placed in the database or retrieved from it. Either way, something is not working as I expect it to. I'm used to working with PHP under Linux using MySQL and this is a learning experience for me.
Someone please explain how I can place large (by large I mean anywhere from 5 sentences to 100 paragraphs) amounts of text into the database, and retrieve it intact with no truncation.
Aaron Borg
Web Developer
Pathology Associates Medical Labs
Someone please explain how I can place large (by large I mean anywhere from 5 sentences to 100 paragraphs) amounts of text into the database, and retrieve it intact with no truncation.
Aaron Borg
Web Developer
Pathology Associates Medical Labs