MS XSL ISAPI Extension


Staff member
Has anyone tried the preview release of MS's XSL ISAPI extension? It lookspretty powerful. It parses xml files automatically, and applies any <?xsl?>transformations on the server. You can even specifiy different transformsfor different browsers or, in the case of IE5, no transforms at all. It justsends the xml straight up and IE5 does the transform on the client.There's a few things i'm wondering though:How reliable is it? I guess there's really not much that they could screwup. All it has to do is look through the xml file for <?xsl?> directives andsend the xml off to MSXML with a transformNode.Secondly, at what point do asp scripts get processed? Before the XSLtransform, after the XSL transform, or both? I would imagine this would haveto take place before any XML processing, because I think <% %> tags wouldgive xml parsers problems.At any rate, being able to layer XSL over ASP or/and ASP over XSL soundsvery intriguing.Thanks,Ryan <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e -->|group <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="consultant">consultant ... --Sterling</a><!-- m --> <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="Commercehttp://www.sterlingcommerce.comSecrets">Commercehttp://www.sterlingcommerce.comSecrets</a><!-- m --> Of The e-Business MastersOrlando, <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="FL">FL ... ----------</a><!-- m -->