MS Access/PHP problem


New Member
Hello, I have a slight problem..I am new to using MS Access and I am using php to interface with MS Access to read some tables is the code thats hanging up..

$squery = "SELECT SiteID, KeyWords FROM KeyWay WHERE KeyWords LIKE *$sj*";
$tquery = "SELECT RankPosition, SiteID, Url, Title, Desc FROM SiteWay WHERE SiteID=$siteY ORDER BY RankPosition";
$siteIdiot = odbc_exec($cnx,$squery);

while ( odbc_fetch_row($siteIdiot)) {
$siteY = odbc_result($siteIdiot, 1);

$siteDetails = odbc_exec($cnx,$tquery);

I have already checked all the differences between MS Access ODBC/SQL and real world and made the corrections....but I still don't get the match using the test data..

Is there something that I am missing that is specific to access?
