MS Access DB queries - a novice losing hair...


My appologies of this has been asked a thousand times (I did search but didn't find)....

Used classic ASP a lot but finally taken plunge into .NET - I'm developing a web site using Visual Studio (using VB.NET). Basically all I want to do is query an Access (not SQL Server as every article on the web refers to).

I've connected to the db using an OleDBConnection, and also placed and oleDbCommand control on the web form. I'm just getting nowhere, just getting annoyed.

Could a kind person please direct this hopeless idiot towards an article, tutorial, or post that covers this. Failing that, actually tell me what to do. I've loads to do and until I can perform the simplest database query I'll get nothing done.

Thanks in advanceJust a suggestion but you may want to check if .net database connections are supported by your webhost...

I had a similar problem a while back. I knew I was doing everything correctly. I was even cutting and pasting stuff from tutorial website examples that I knew worked. Turns out that the webhost did not trust the ASP.NET security so they wouldn't allow it. Simple things like "refer a friend" pages and such were OK but nothing with a Database connection.At the moment I'm just using IIS on my PC. I have managed to get db access before (using ASP.NET written onto the actual aspx file with runat=server etc..) using a repeater and elements defined on the page. I used code lifted from somewhere. Anyway, db access does not seem to be the problem, it's something to do with the way I'm building the web form in VB.NET using Visual Studio.

Thanks anyway.