Moving spinner items in a Bundle from one activity to another


New Member
I'm trying to get the value from a Spinner on my android application and convert it into a String so I can move it over as a data item in a Bundle to another activity. I have successfully managed to move EditText values over using the combination of \[code\]getText().toString();\[/code\] methods. I'm looking for the same result but with Spinner items now but have so far had no success.Here's the code:This method is called when a user selects a button in the \[code\]onClick\[/code\] method:\[code\]public void commitData(){ Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putString("key", txtBuildingName.getText().toString()); //Gets the TEXT that the TEXTVIEW was holding converts it to a String and adds to the Extras bundle Bundle bundle1 = new Bundle(); bundle1.putString("key1", txtDescription.getText().toString()); // Same again Bundle bundle2 = new Bundle(); bundle2.putString("key2", type.getItemAtPosition(type.getSelectedItemPosition()).toString()); Bundle bundle3 = new Bundle(); bundle3.putString("key3", project.getItemAtPosition(project.getSelectedItemPosition()).toString()); Intent newIntent = new Intent(this.getApplicationContext(), DataSummary.class); newIntent.putExtras(bundle); newIntent.putExtras(bundle1); startActivityForResult(newIntent, 0);}\[/code\]I am getting no results from the project and type lines of code using \[code\]type.getItemAtPosition().getSelectedItemPosition()).toString();\[/code\] and the same for project. Shown below is the code for the Activity that receives and output this data from the entry form.TextView resultName; TextView resultDescription; TextView resultType; TextView resultProject;\[code\]public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_data_summary); //Check if there is anything in the 'bundle' and if not produce message - AVOIDS NULLPOINTEREXCEPTION when navigating to Activity Bundle bundle = this.getIntent().getExtras(); if (bundle != null){ String name = bundle.getString("key"); String description = bundle.getString("key1"); //gets data from DataEntry activity String type = bundle.getString("key2"); String project = bundle.getString("key3"); resultName=(TextView)findViewById(; //adds the TextViews to the activity resultType=(TextView)findViewById(; resultDescription=(TextView)findViewById(; resultProject=(TextView)findViewById(; resultName.setText(name); // Fills the textviews with imported data resultType.setText(type); resultDescription.setText(description); resultProject.setText(project); } else { Toast.makeText(DataSummary.this,"Received no data yet!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); }}\[/code\]Anyone got any ideas how to successfully gather the data from the Spinner item?