Moving in css


I have made a site using html and css. I have a question about one thing though. I want to use this css file i made for all of my pages and all of my pages are different lengths. How do i make it so that one page that has little content fits together and one with long content doesn't overlap the divs under it. for example i made the text on my site here <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> larger than it will be so you can see what i mean. I'm almost positive it has something to do with the css. I'm new to it but i used the css validator and everything checks to be valid. Thank you for your help.position: absolute; is the cause; as the text-size increases the containter will slide under the following, if i get rid of all of the position: absolutes; that will fix it? Thank you for the help. I'm asking this because i currently do not have the accesibiliity to update the site and test it myself.That's part of it, also the background images must be able to 'expand' with the content.Hi,

Just reading through the post - Does anyone have any solution for making a background image expand with sites, using CSS and Xhtml.

Thanx Guys