Moving in and out of frames


I have set up series of sub-directories each containing pages of photo links that the viewer will regotiate their way through while a music track plays in the background. This is all on a CDROM. To have the music playing while the viewer is browsing I have set up frames in the subdirectory with the music as the background in one hidden frame.<br />
What I want to do now is have different music in each sub-directory so that someone leaves the sub-directory, goes up a level to the master index page then goes down into another sub-directory and another music track. <br />
The trouble at the moment is that when they go up the level they're still inside the frame so the original music keeps playing.<br />
How can I leave the frames each time I leave the sub-directory?<br />
Hope that makes sense. Thanks for the help.<!--content-->I'm not so sure that is what he is asking. I think he wants the music to work in each frame that is opened, but not to take it out of frames.<br />
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If so, I would have several index frames. The music would be guarenteed to change for each one.<br />
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I did a site that way to turn on and off music, to have it play random or select with buttons that show each mode your in. If no music was wanted, no menu would show. It required several menu pages that kept me in frames all the time.<!--content-->Thanks for those ideas. The target - "top" did what I wanted but the idea of multiple frames gives me something else to play with.<!--content-->