Moving Hosts [By Dark_Hunter] [cPanel]


New Member
Go to cPanel and click backups.

You can select the backups one by one or you can download all at once in one file. The backups are on the left side of the panel.

After you have downloaded you backup go back to the same place. Upload the databases using the right site of the panel.

Note: the database upload may take time depending on your system, I suggest you use MYSQL dumper.
I suggest using BigDump, as it supports SQL DB's Over 2GB in size. It takes me only about 1-2 minutes to restore 90mb database with BigDump ;)
Error 404 said:
I suggest using BigDump, as it supports SQL DB's Over 2GB in size. It takes me only about 1-2 minutes to restore 90mb database with BigDump ;)

You could just make a big backup of your whole site and then restore it. A lot quicker imo
I agree agentgaurav007, I just backed up my site by ftp, backed up mySQL with vB's built in system and re uploaded to the new host and imported the backed up sql, went through the Maintenance bits in Admin CP, job done!
pedrovscena said:
what host is that pic of the cpanal can i have link to that host plzz

Most decent hosts use that Cpanel. It's Cpanel 11. You can choose different 'skins' for it.