Moving Dada Mail Lists


Hello. I actually sent this question to Don as a PM and then realized that others might want to see the answer as well.<br /><br />I just moved my site to its own account (it was an addon) and so I've had to start over with Dada Mail. I've installed the latest version on my new set up, but now I REALLY need to get my old list (and preferably all sent messages and settings) into the new install so I can get back to having a working list for my site (<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->).<br /><br />I've looked all over the Dada Forums and posted my own message there, but no luck. <br /><br />If you have any light to shed on this that would be GREAT.<br /><br />Thanks in advance for your time.<br /><br />Best,<br />Scott<br /><br />p.s. update to this message. I tried the most obvious and FTP'd all of the files from dada_files under my root folder. I then logged into Dada and my old list and messages showed up! However, I've tried to make a few settings changes to the list and things don't seem to be running 100% smoothly. Should I have not done it this way. Anyone with experience in this?<!--content-->
I am not sure, it is not a script I run. Someone should be along soon with some form of answer.<!--content-->
You are on the right track.<br /><br />I did the same with a new account where I installed dadamail<br /><br />copied the dada_files folder to the root <br />changed permissions to 777<br />and it seems to work.<br />I made changes in the list and they took.<br /><br />What things are not running smoothly?<!--content-->