Move my Table


How can i move my table so it can be next to the Nav menu.<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->it is... I think it is from what you asked. This does not have to do with your question, but your code is funny.... You have and xhtml 1.1 doc type, and then <font> right below it. Font is deprecated, it will make your code invalid. Its good that you went through the motion of adding a doc type, but just having one is meaningless if the code is not valid because if the code is not valid the browser will still go into quirks mode.<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... roster.php</a><!-- m --><br />
970 validator error messages in under 100 lines of code. You have a bit of work to do. I would suggest moving towards a css based layout, but if you are insistant on tables, drop the html attributes and style the tables with css (we just had a big thread about this :p)<!--content-->He's using a table for tabular data: that's what they're for.<br />
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AJBurnett34,<br />
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You could float the menu div left, and specify a left margin on the table to clear it. You may have to surround the table with a div since I'm not sure if it can function like a container on its own. Also, if you want to add more content to the page then just the table, it'll make life a lot easier.<br />
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I do concur with the validation issue, though: the less a browser has to second-guess what you meant, the less rendering oddities will occur and the faster it will render.<br />
Getting rid of all the font elements and background attributes in the table and replacing them with CSS rules in the style sheet will greatly reduce your table code size and make it a lot easier to alter things.<!--content-->Originally posted by ronaldb66 <br />
He's using a table for tabular data: that's what they're for. Who cares what he is using them for, that does not have to do with anything right now, he is still using the <font> tag and deprecated attributes within those tables, thats what I was making a point of. We just had a whole threead about weather tables are acceptible if used for layout, I said yes, you can go read my reasons why, but that thread is like 7 pages now. I basically said if you do the tables with css defining their attributes -- the code is valid, and they linearize correctly for those with audio braille browsers and text based browsers such as lynx, then they are just as accessible as css and therefore acceptible IMO.<br />
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Using a float and margin would work, but I myself would give it all absolute positioning and position the menu 10px from the left, and whatever fromt he top, and then the table 20 px from the left wider then the menu, so that there is 10px on either side of the menu, then I would give that table an auto width and set the right to 10px to keep it fluid. I prefer to use the positioning rather then float and margin... I do not really have a reason, its just how I like to do it, seems more sure fire and stable for some reason, don't have to worrie about contents dropping down whent they do not have enough room.<!--content-->