General steps for moving the forums to a new server and new DB Server
(It will give you the new forum as it is... as I have already done it 3-4 times)
1. Make database backup using vbulletin maintainance only..
2. Download the sql file to ur pc....
3. Download MySQL Client OR SQLWave from
4. Connect to new (blank) Database on new server. And import the sql file data to the new database server. (Drop all the tables before proceeding)...
5 ZIP and download the server folder where the forum is...
6 Unzip it on new server preserving the folder structure.
7. edit config.php
8. login to admin cp>vbulletin OPtions>site name/url/contact details and update the paths with new one... change other settings likewise...
9. Style Manager>Style Vars ....... change the image paths
10 CHange the avatars paths likewise....