Move forum to a different host


New Member
Can someone help me move my forum to a different host? I don't want to change anything on my forum just want everything to stay the same and have it on a different site. Is that possible?

Thanks In advanced!
I think you go into AdminCP, Maintenance, and backup your board.
It will make an executable SQL file, put it in your new host, and voila.
Same forum, new place.
I have done this a few times, and I found that using navicat makes it pretty easy.

you can also export your sql from cpanel or phpmyadmin on your server now, then copy over all files in public http to the new server and import your sql.
How do you import sql? other than that i think i know what to do! I made a database backup in matinence section of the admin panel, and have moved all my files over, how do i finish it?
I transfered all my files over and changed the config.php to match my new mysql database, but when i go to import the sql file i got from both the vbulletin back up and the cpanel backup i get this,"Notice: Undefined variable: first_sql_delimiter in /var/wkscript/www/phpmyadmin/libraries/import/sql.php on line 170" About 80 million times, and then i get this a couple times, "Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/wkscript/www/phpmyadmin/libraries/import/sql.php:170) in /var/wkscript/www/phpmyadmin/libraries/ob.lib.php on line 83" But with different line numbers, and then i get this, "Error

SQL query:

-- Database: `zbluedevilp_vbulletin`
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table `access`
CREATE TABLE `access` (
`userid` int( 10 ) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`forumid` smallint( 5 ) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`accessmask` smallint( 5 ) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY ( `userid` , `forumid` )
) ENGINE = MYISAM DEFAULT CHARSET = latin1 COLLATE = latin1_general_ci;

MySQL said: Documentation
#1050 - Table 'access' already exists "

Can anyone help me?
You hv to delete all the tables bef proceeding...

General steps for moving the forums to a new server and new DB Server
(It will give you the new forum as it is... as I have already done it 3-4 times)

1. Make database backup using vbulletin maintainance only..
2. Download the sql file to ur pc....
3. Download MySQL Client OR SQLWave from

4. Connect to new (blank) Database on new server. And import the sql file data to the new database server. (Drop all the tables before proceeding)...

5 ZIP and download the server folder where the forum is...

6 Unzip it on new server preserving the folder structure.

7. edit config.php

8. login to admin cp>vbulletin OPtions>site name/url/contact details and update the paths with new one... change other settings likewise...

9. Style Manager>Style Vars ....... change the image paths

10 CHange the avatars paths likewise....

You are done....