Move DB to new host! Help!


New Member
Hi all! My problem is that I want to move a bid database to the new paid host (GoDaddy). The problem is that my database .sql backup is over 16 mb, and I can only import in PHPAdmin 2 mb.

Can someone tell me a solution to import my dabase without losing nothing (posts, threads, users, etc)?

I tried with bigdump.php, but don't works, I mean I click Import and the page goes blank.

Does anyone know another method?

Ok so you want to export your database or import??? anyway yes you can do that by importing or exporint your database in parts.
if you are exporting click on export in phpmyadmin and see tables select few tables at the time. same with importing your database. just copy few tables and import.if you need help .send me your information and will see what can i do.
If you're using godaddy, there should be a folder titled _db_backup
in the main FTP.

Upload it there, go to your MySQL Databases and click Restore Database, it will give you a list, and pick the one you want.
Lol Xius, ur right! I uploaded the backup from 000webhost (free host)!

Database backup name: (size 16 MB)

I upload the .sql backup to backup folder from GoDaddy, then I cliked Restore Option and the file was there. I clicked Restore selecting the file I uploaded and everything went fine!

Now my forum is showing up, but I have a few problem. I get conflicts between the old link: 1st HACKS and the new link: 1st HACKS!

Let me explain!

When I browse 1st HACKS (new domain + host on GoDaddy), the page comes out and says:

"Sorry this board is unavailable, be back in 10 min."

Ok, now I go to Admin Panel, but when I click it and log in it says:

"Unable to add cookies, header already sent.
File: /home/content/x/e/x/xexiu/html/forum/paymentsystem/lang/donationsystem_en.php
Line: 229"

Same happens when I browse the forum (1st HACKS) it changes to: Your 1st Site (old domain on 000webhost). I can enter Admin on, but not on .com.

I just wanna know how to fix those conflicts and enter Admin Panel on 1st HACKS so I can change the link form "" to ".com". The problem is I can't acess the Admin Panel from 1st HACKS because of the error above.

Do u know what could that be?

I consulted the file donationsystem_en.php, but I don't see nothing to edit to make it work :S!

This is the donationsystem_en.php file:


// ########################################################################

// ################ Donation System created by Adam Ellis #################

// ######################## Version 0.1.4 LITE ############################

// ####################### English Language File ##########################

// ################## Copyright 2008 all rights reserved ##################

// ########################################################################

// ########################### Main Language #############################


// Global

donation_system								=> "Donation System",

// Donation Page

donation									=> "Donation",

donation_allowed_payment_types				=> "Accepted Payment Types",

donation_benefits							=> "Benefits from Donating",

donation_checkout							=> "Checkout Donation Details",

donation_custom								=> "Custom",

donation_instructions						=> "Please Enter Your Donation Amount Above, And Then Click On The Checkout Method",

donation_mindonation_alert					=> "Sorry, the minimum amount accepted is",

donation_note								=> "Please choose an option below...",

donation_payfor								=> "Donation to Support",

donation_redirected							=> "You will now be redirected to your checkout choice login/donate form.",

donation_redirecting						=> "Now redirecting you...",

donation_user								=> "User",

donation_wait								=> "Please wait...",

// Donation Bar

donation_bar_support						=> "Donate to Support",

donation_bar_goalperc						=> "% of our goal has been reached",

donation_bar_recieved						=> "We have received a total of %CURRENCYSYMBOL%%DONATIONTOTAL% in donations towards our goal of %CURRENCYSYMBOL%%GOAL%",

// Donations List

donation_list								=> "Donations this Month",

donation_list_avatar						=> "Avatar",

donation_list_edit							=> "Edit",

donation_list_guest							=> "Guest",

donation_list_title							=> "Donations for %MONTH%",

donation_list_name							=> "Donator",

donation_list_none							=> "You have not recieved any donations yet this month",

donation_list_payment						=> "Payment",

donation_list_payment_date					=> "Payment Date",

donation_list_reverse_sort_order			=> "Reverse sort order",

donation_list_total							=> "Total",

// Navbar

donation_navbar								=> "Donation",

donation_now								=> "Donate Now",

donation_list_navbar						=> "Donations this month"


// #################### Admin Control Panel Language #####################


// ACP Menu

donation_header								=> "Donation System - Management",

donation_menu0								=> "Donation System",

donation_menu10								=> "Main Settings",

donation_menu20								=> "Bar Settings",

donation_menu30								=> "List Settings",

donation_menu50								=> "Group Change Settings",

donation_menu70								=> "Manually Add Donation",

// Donation Settings

donation_title								=> "Donation System Main Settings",

donation_enable								=> "Donation System ON or OFF",

donation_allowed_donamo						=> "Allowed donation amounts",

donation_allowed_donamo_1					=> "Suggested only",

donation_allowed_donamo_2					=> "Suggested and custom",

donation_allowed_donamo_3					=> "Custom only",

donation_benefits							=> "Type in the benefits of donating to the site in this section<dfn>You can use HTML tags in here to format the text as desired. Leave blank to not show benefits table</dfn>",

donation_blank								=> "Load Payment Checkout login/donate form in new window/tab",

donation_cantuse							=> "Usergroups can NOT use donation system<dfn>(comma separated list of IDs)</dfn>",

donation_amount_options						=> "Suggested donation amounts<dfn>(separate with commas)</dfn>",

donation_minamount_allowed					=> "Minimum amount accepted",

donation_show_link							=> "Automatically add donation page link to NavBar which creates a drop down menu<dfn>If you select NO the variables to add manually are:<br/>\$donation_link_menu<br />\$donation_link_menu_options</dfn>",

donation_showverify							=> "PayPal Verification<dfn>It explains why being verified gives the donor greater protection. You can use HTML tags in here to format the text as desired. Leave blank to not show PayPal Verified info table</dfn>",

// Donation Bar

donation_bar_active							=> "Donation Bar ON or OFF",

donation_bar_autoinsert						=> "Automatically insert Donation Bar below NavBar<dfn>If you select NO the variable to add manually is: \$donation_bar</dfn>",

donation_bar_see							=> "Usergroups able to view Donation Bar<dfn>(comma separated list of IDs)</dfn>",

donation_bar_float							=> "Donation bar float instead of attached<dfn>For instance if you have top15 latest posts or chatbox the donation bar will attach itself to it by default. To have it as it's own box click yes here.</dfn>",

donation_bar_locs							=> "Show Donation bar on (comma separated THIS_SCRIPT locations)<dfn>Blank to show on all pages (not recommended because of server load)</dfn><dfn>Note: If you have CMPS (Vbadvanced) and want it to display in those pages you need to add these variables to Portal Output Global Variables in CPMS Main Options <a href=\"vba_cmps_admin.php?do=modifysettings&grouptitle=adv_portal_main\">HERE</a>:<br />DS<br />donation_bar_donations<br />donation_bar_link<br />donation_bar_style<br />donation_bar_style_animate<br />donation_bar_percentage<br />donation_bar_thank<br />donation_bar_tnote<br />donation_bar_float</dfn>",

donation_bar_goal							=> "Enter the amount for your donation goal",

donation_bar_link							=> "Enter Paypal Button or link to donation page<dfn>Leave blank to not show a link in the donation bar and just use the navigation bar link or a custom link</dfn>",

donation_bar_reset_time						=> "Donation Goal Cycle time",

donation_bar_reset_time_1					=> "Month",

donation_bar_reset_time_2					=> "Year",

donation_bar_subauto						=> "Vbulletin Subscription Amounts Added to total<dfn>To automatically be added to the donation bar</dfn>",

donation_bar_subauto_off					=> "Vbulletin Subscription Amounts Added to total<dfn>To automatically be added to the donation bar</dfn><dfn>NOTE: Must have Vbulletin 3.6.X + for this option and feature</dfn>",

donation_bar_thank							=> "Thank you for meeting goal message<dfn>Enter your thanks for when you reach your goal 100% or above. Leave blank to not show thanks message and use default donations % of our goal achieved</dfn>",

donation_bar_title							=> "Donation Bar System",

donation_bar_tnote							=> "Donations going towards message<dfn>This is where you should describe why you need donations. Leave blank to not show why you need donations</dfn>",

// Donation List

donation_list_title							=> "Donations List Settings",

donation_list_active						=> "Donations List ON or OFF",

donation_list_see							=> "Usergroups able to view Donations List<dfn>(comma separated list of IDs)</dfn>",

donation_list_show_link						=> "Automatically add donation list page link to Donation System drop down menu<dfn>If you select NO the variable to add manually is: \$donation_list_option</dfn>",

// User Group Change / Move

donation_usergroup_change					=> "Usergroups that ARE effected by usergroup change (comma separated list of IDs)",

donation_usergroup_change_1					=> "Move user to VIP/Donator group",

donation_usergroup_change_2					=> "Add user to VIP/Donator group",

donation_usergroup_display					=> "Also change user's \"Display Usergroup\" to VIP/Donator usergroup",

donation_usergroup_active					=> "Donation Group Change System ON or OFF",

donation_usergroup							=> "Your Donator/VIP usergroup ID",

donation_usergroup_title					=> "Donation Usergroup/Membership Change System",

donation_usergroup_type						=> "Move or Add confirmed donator to your VIP/Donator usergroup?",

// Manually Add Donation

donation_add_title							=> "Manually Add Donation",

donation_add_month							=> "Month in which donation was made",

donation_add_day							=> "Day in which donation was made",

donation_add_year							=> "Year in which donation was made",

donation_add_userid							=> "Userid of the person who made the donation<dfn>Or you can do username below</dfn>",

donation_add_amount							=> "Amount that the user paid",

donation_add_fee							=> "Fees associated with the transaction",

donation_add_username						=> "Username of the person who made the donation<dfn>Or you can do userid above</dfn>",

// Global Language

on											=> "On",

off											=> "Off",

yes											=> "Yes",

no											=> "No",

save_settings								=> "save settings",


// ########################################################################

// ################ Donation System created by Adam Ellis #################

// ######################## Version 0.1.4 LITE ############################

// ####################### English Language File ##########################

// ################## Copyright 2008 all rights reserved ##################

// ########################################################################


Many thanks, I really need to make the forum work! Im desasperate :(.
I recently had to deal with uploading my 100MB sql onto a new server... here's how I did it:

Download BigDump, upload it to your server and configure the db config settings to a new mysql database on your new server

then upload your sql through smartftp to the same directory of bigdump, make sure you have the right permissions set, and it will run the sql for you and is a very clean transfer.. good luck
I have all the donotion files, but still the same thing! I really don't know what to do. I searched google, and nothing...

I really don't want to start a new forum again and lose all stuff :(