mouseover, mouseout color change


Hi all,<br />
<br />
I am trying to highlight a <TD> tag with colors that reside in my style sheet -<br />
<br />
Here is my current <td> tag...<br />
<br />
<tr class="r_primary" style="cursor:hand""#215dc6""#99FFFF" ><br />
<br />
<br />
the class that starts the <td> is class="r_primary"<br />
then the mouse floats over it, I would like to swap to class="r_highlight" and when the mouse leaves swap back to class="r_primary"<br />
<br />
<br />
Can someone point me in the right direction -<br />
i don't really wanna hard code the color values into the html - <br />
<br />
thanks<br />
tony<!--content-->Sorry folks -<br />
<br />
i shouldn't have said <TD><br />
<br />
as its all in the <TR><br />
<br />
<br />
sorry again...<br />
<br />
thanks<br />
tony<!--content-->Hi all,<br />
<br />
Here is the code snippet -<br />
<br />
<tr class="r_primary" style="cursor:hand" onClick="""#FFFFCC" <br />"#CCFFFF" ><br />
<br />
<br />
Question is - <br />
I would like to use the values stored in the CSS instead of the hard coded color values -<br />
<br />
there are three classes -<br />
r_priamry<br />
r_alternate<br />
r_highlight<br />
<br />
thanks - and sorry about not stating my question a little more clearly<br />
<br />
take care<br />
tony<!--content-->I posted a solution for you in the cross-browser forum.<br />
<br />
Posting the same thing twice just gets things confused.<br />
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