Can anyone help me add .wav files to the existing image map code below? I want each image mouseover to also trigger an audio sample.
My image shows 4 people. As users mouse over each person, each person changes his or her expression. My aim is to make each person say something at the same time!
here are the .wav files i want to include..
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
function newImage(arg) {
if (document.images) {
rslt = new Image();
rslt.src = arg;
return rslt;
function changeImages() {
if (document.images && (preloadFlag == true)) {
for (var i=0; i<changeImages.arguments.length; i+=2) {
document[changeImages.arguments].src = changeImages.arguments[i+1];
var preloadFlag = false;
function preloadImages() {
if (document.images) {
flower_heads_01_dillon_over = newImage("images/flower_heads_01-dillon_over.jpg");
flower_heads_01_greg_over = newImage("images/flower_heads_01-greg_over.jpg");
flower_heads_01_justine_over = newImage("images/flower_heads_01-justine_ove.jpg");
flower_heads_01_steve_over = newImage("images/flower_heads_01-steve_over.jpg");
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140,161, 148,159,
148,156, 145,151, 136,148, 147,143, 149,135, 147,132, 143,130, 150,128, 148,119, 146,117, 140,116, 146,110, 144,106, 134,106, 128,110, 129,105, 135,99, 133,90, 124,91, 122,95, 119,91, 112,93, 110,89, 101,89, 100,85, 102,73, 95,72, 94,76, 88,79, 82,83, 79,83, 78,78, 75,79, 73,82, 71,81, 65,74, 63,75, 59,89, 58,90, 51,82,
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53,223, 60,224, 61,229, 68,232" HREF="#"
ONMOUSEOVER="changeImages('flower_heads_01', 'images/flower_heads_01-greg_over.jpg'); return true;"
ONMOUSEOUT="changeImages('flower_heads_01', 'images/flower_heads_01.jpg'); return true;">
<!-- End ImageReady Slices -->
My image shows 4 people. As users mouse over each person, each person changes his or her expression. My aim is to make each person say something at the same time!
here are the .wav files i want to include..
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
function newImage(arg) {
if (document.images) {
rslt = new Image();
rslt.src = arg;
return rslt;
function changeImages() {
if (document.images && (preloadFlag == true)) {
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document[changeImages.arguments].src = changeImages.arguments[i+1];
var preloadFlag = false;
function preloadImages() {
if (document.images) {
flower_heads_01_dillon_over = newImage("images/flower_heads_01-dillon_over.jpg");
flower_heads_01_greg_over = newImage("images/flower_heads_01-greg_over.jpg");
flower_heads_01_justine_over = newImage("images/flower_heads_01-justine_ove.jpg");
flower_heads_01_steve_over = newImage("images/flower_heads_01-steve_over.jpg");
preloadFlag = true;
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309,64, 305,64, 304,78, 303,81, 301,79, 296,68, 293,69, 295,81, 295,85, 294,79, 292,82, 292,70, 291,69, 289,78, 290,85, 289,95, 288,97, 287,82, 283,75, 282,78, 284,86, 283,89, 282,86, 281,88, 280,89, 280,75, 279,76, 276,90, 274,90, 275,84, 273,83, 271,97, 269,98, 270,105, 271,111, 269,110, 266,112, 266,98, 264,98, 262,112,
261,112, 257,99, 256,110, 258,110, 262,124, 262,125, 255,115, 258,110, 254,113, 252,113, 252,125, 255,128, 253,144, 262,158, 257,164, 266,165, 272,169, 279,175, 281,181, 293,184, 280,208, 268,208, 273,215, 264,223, 262,233, 259,238, 254,241, 257,245, 256,263, 263,276, 271,278, 272,290, 279,292" HREF="#"
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171,290, 196,305,
207,301" HREF="#"
ONMOUSEOVER="changeImages('flower_heads_01', 'images/flower_heads_01-justine_ove.jpg'); return true;"
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140,161, 148,159,
148,156, 145,151, 136,148, 147,143, 149,135, 147,132, 143,130, 150,128, 148,119, 146,117, 140,116, 146,110, 144,106, 134,106, 128,110, 129,105, 135,99, 133,90, 124,91, 122,95, 119,91, 112,93, 110,89, 101,89, 100,85, 102,73, 95,72, 94,76, 88,79, 82,83, 79,83, 78,78, 75,79, 73,82, 71,81, 65,74, 63,75, 59,89, 58,90, 51,82,
46,85, 45,89, 34,88, 35,89, 28,88, 27,96, 17,97, 19,105, 30,118, 28,119, 25,120, 23,117, 12,115, 8,115, 12,123, 5,123, 12,134, 6,136, 13,141, 13,143, 5,143, 5,156, 8,156, 4,161, 6,171, 11,172, 6,177, 8,181, 7,184, 8,188, 8,194, 17,195, 16,206, 22,207, 26,212, 30,212, 28,216, 34,216, 45,206, 42,220, 44,223, 48,224, 51,220,
53,223, 60,224, 61,229, 68,232" HREF="#"
ONMOUSEOVER="changeImages('flower_heads_01', 'images/flower_heads_01-greg_over.jpg'); return true;"
ONMOUSEOUT="changeImages('flower_heads_01', 'images/flower_heads_01.jpg'); return true;">
<!-- End ImageReady Slices -->