Most used screen resolutions?


Hi!<br />
I have, until now, designed all websites to fit a screen resolution of minimum 640x480. Now I'm wondering.. do anyone actually still use this resolution? I see a lot of pages designed for 800x600 (this forum for example).<br />
I really want to make my pages as accessible as possible.<br />
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Any info on the subject?<br />
(Statistics would be nice)<br />
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Thanks<br />
-aslefo<!--content-->Well I don't have any statistics, but the most used resolution is 800x600 and so most sites are designed for that.<br />
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However I think that the next most used resolution is 1024x768.<!--content-->In order of the most used to least:<br />
1. 800 x 600<br />
2. 1024 x 768<br />
3. 640 x 480<br />
4. 1280 x 1024 <br />
5. 1152 x 864 <br />
<br />
I got this info from a site (to which i don't remember), a few days back.<br />
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To see some examples go to a stats service, such as <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> or <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->, and look at thier demo pages to see which resoultion is used most.<!--content-->I design my pages in 800by600 so that they are viewable correctly to most people. If they are designed in 1024by768, most people will have to scroll. I believe that it is better to have the page look too small than have to scroll (very annoying, at least to me).<!--content-->April stats from <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.the">www.the</a><!-- w --><br />
<br />
800x600 (51%) <br />
1024x768 (35%) <br />
640x480 (6%) <br />
1280x1024 (3%) <br />
Unknown (1%) <br />
1152x864 (1%)<!--content-->I personally use 1024 x 768, but the major stats from my sites are <br />
<br />
Unknown (1%) <br />
640x480 (4%) <br />
800x600 (56%) <br />
1024x768 (34%) <br />
1152x864 (1%) <br />
1280x1024 (3%) <br />
1600x1200 (1%) <br />
<br />
(majority of visitors are UK based)<br />
HTH.<!--content-->go 1024x768!<br />
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I design my pages in expandeable tables (% height/ width) so that they look good in 800x600... but the expand to fit into number2: 1024x768. I think it is important to include 1024x768 as more and more laptops/ pcs are coming out with this resolution. My current laptop is a 14" screen running at 1024x768.<!--content-->The way my stats are going - it could be as soon as the end of this year before 8*6 takes second seat.<br />
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Or perhaps, after Christmas when everybody gets their new PC.<br />
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Since last Xmas - I have certainly seen an increase in the NGs, of questions like .... where do I find my FREE webspace and where do I upload my office.doc to -- to make my website.<br />
Bless 'em.<!--content--><!--content-->Since about 50% of people use 800x600, it's pretty safe to stick with that.<br />
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However, like Dr Web, I design my sites so that they look good in 1024x768 as well.<br />
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PS: Resolution Tip - ALWAYS size your tables using % and not pixels. That way they won't go all horrible on you. (Hopefully!)<!--content-->Originally posted by Dave Swift <br />
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PS: Resolution Tip - ALWAYS size your tables using % and not pixels. That way they won't go all horrible on you. (Hopefully!) <br />
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When I want a site to be locked into 800 x 600 I use the pixel sizes. If I want the page to expand, I use the percentages.<!--content-->I just used multiple style sheets. Everthing is sized and absolutely position in the style sheet. The resolution determines which style sheet gets used. That way I can fully optimize for the three resolutions I support. <br />
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I do intranet apps so I can limit the choice of what is supported.<!--content-->One other thing to keep in mind. People here at this forum are probably rather atypical in our usage. You will probably find higher percentages of this community using higher res among other things like better connections and better overall systems. It is a good idea to study the intended market for a particular market.<br />
<br />
For example - I maintain a drag racing track site. Many of the visitors will put money into a new carb for their car rather than upgrading a computer system. My users have a very high percentage of 800 x 600 and only 2-3% are using 1024+<!--content-->To me, it seems qite naive to design pages for 1024x768, considering that 50% use 800x600.<br />
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Personally, I use 1280x1024, but like keeping the browser window a bit smaller, just to have other apps easy at hand. Designing for 1024x768 will not only make the pages less visible for users with lower resolutions, but those using this resolution will have to maximize their window, or scroll.<br />
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COBOLdinosaur, Do you use javascriping to decide which style sheet to be used?<!--content-->Selecting the sheet -- JavaScript? Yes.<br />
<br />
I set a variable ssheet to the the name of the .css that matches<br />
resolution, platform, and browser then use:<br />
<br />
document.write('link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'+ssheet+'">');<br />
to activate the right one. The server actually Download <!--more-->s them all but they<br />
are very small files, so the additional Download <!--more--> time is not significant<!--content-->Originally posted by aslefo <br />
To me, it seems qite naive to design pages for 1024x768, considering that 50% use 800x600.<br />
<br />
I said that I design for 800x600 and allow for then to expand so they look good in 1024x768. The stats for 1024 are over 35% and rising.<!--content-->From A1JavaScripts a few weeks ago:<br />
<br />
1. 800 x 600 pixels 46.26% <br />
2. 1024 x 768 pixels 38.96% <br />
3. 1280 x 1024 pixels 4.93% <br />
4. 1152 x 864 pixels 3.95% <br />
5. 640 x 480 pixels 2.46%<br />
6. Other Resolutions 2.43% <br />
7. 1600 x 1200 pixels 0.65% <br />
8. 1024 x 721 pixels 0.23%<br />
9. 800 x 553 pixels 0.14%<!--content-->Well, sorry for misunderstanding by not reading thoroughly.<!--content-->