More XML tagNames & attributes


Staff member
Hi ALLI have been using ado rs for master/detail, detail, detail etc & updatebatch but I find it problematic when I send the detail back to the serverwith updatebatch. I have ended up just blasting the detail & emptying the rsinto a new rs's so that it does not try to update the existing details espafter a heavy edit session & rows in the html display table have beenmodifed/deleted etc.So I have moved to marchalling an xml version of the rs to the client, Itried it by building tagNames around the elements of an rs & by usingattributes.Using attributes I get more compact data, & navigating the DOM does notappear any more difficult, maybe easier.Anybody used this more, any gotcha's if building rs's with tagName I know that ado 2.5 supports Istream on the xml, but by my datafor an data entry scr can not be generrated by the 2.5 implmentation, maybenever ..pps.Thanks to Phil Weber for clearing up XML tagnames & attributes my last post