Hi Everyone
We are excited to announce some more new programs just before the holidays! Here are the details on each below:
AllStarDirectories.com - AllArtSchools.com and AllCulinarySchools.com are two new education campaigns powered by AllStarDirectories.com that are highly targeted for Art and Culinary students and pays out 18.00 per lead. Not only do we have great conversions, but also great 24/7 management provided by PartnerCentric.comPeople looking to enhance themselves through education are not always unemployed.. For more info click here: AllStarDirectories.com Affiliate Program (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.affiliates.partnercentric.com/allstardirectories/">http://www.affiliates.partnercentric.co ... rectories/</a><!-- m -->)
TaxBrain- With TaxBrain鎶
We are excited to announce some more new programs just before the holidays! Here are the details on each below:
AllStarDirectories.com - AllArtSchools.com and AllCulinarySchools.com are two new education campaigns powered by AllStarDirectories.com that are highly targeted for Art and Culinary students and pays out 18.00 per lead. Not only do we have great conversions, but also great 24/7 management provided by PartnerCentric.comPeople looking to enhance themselves through education are not always unemployed.. For more info click here: AllStarDirectories.com Affiliate Program (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.affiliates.partnercentric.com/allstardirectories/">http://www.affiliates.partnercentric.co ... rectories/</a><!-- m -->)
TaxBrain- With TaxBrain鎶